samedi 23 février 2013

Fastest Car in the World Pulled Over by a Policeman on a Bicycle

Fastest Car in the World Pulled Over by a Policeman on a Bicycle

No thanks to the 2012 Olympic Games, London has become a more heavily patrolled and less friendlier place for cars of any type or price – theBugatti Veyron EB 16.4 included.
Still, it's not every day that you see a 1,001-horsepower (986bhp) supercar being signaled by a policeman to follow him on a…bicycle for a violation.
YouTube poster 'supercarsoflondon' describes the short incident thusly:
"Definition of Irony? 1001bhp Veyron being stopped by a Policeman on a push bike!!! This is a rare site for a car like this to be pulled over. The Olympics definitely means more police. This incident only occurred due to no front number plate! Policeman wasting everyones time!!"

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